Rich Hewitt

About me

Office hour: Friday, 12:30-13:30.

PhD projects: I have projects available in high-speed flow, geophysical flow and industrial modelling. These will typically be a combination of theoretical (asymptotic) analysis, custom numerical approaches and modelling. Please email me if you are interested in pursuing a project.

Research topics

My research is primarily aimed towards trying to predict the behaviour of fluid flows by a combination of theoretical, numerical and experimental techniques. Recent work has covered:

  • High speed flows
  • Stability of fluid flows
  • Geophysical fluid dynamics:
    1. Rotating flows
    2. Stratified flows
    3. Particle-laden flows
  • Asymptotic and computational methods
  • Corrosion modelling and reaction-advection-diffusion systems.

Contact details

Prof. R.E. Hewitt,
School of Mathematics,
Alan Turing Building,
University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
Manchester, M13 9PL.
Tel: 0161-275-5918.